Manish Giri GoswamiSmall town dream : Story of Manish Goswami

Jitendra Kumar
9 min readNov 18, 2023


Hello everyone. My name is Manish Giri Goswami, and I hail from a small district in Madhya Pradesh named Chhatarpur. It is a part of a region called Bundelkhand. I did my schooling at Christian English College, and then I went to Indore to do my graduation, but because of home sickness, I went back to my hometown, and then I pursued my BCA from Digital Computer College in my hometown only.

I have always been very fond of computers. I first learned about computers when cyber cafes started opening in my hometown, and I got so interested in them that I decided to follow them as part of my education. And with big hopes of making my career in software and settling in the USA, I kind of convinced my father to get me admitted to a college in Indore. But there, I started getting homesick. Moreover, in the course of BCA, instead of focusing on computer subjects, they were teaching math, which I was finding very hard to deal with. Anyway, with all my stress and frustrations, one day I decided to pack my bags and go back home. I left my BCA in Indore and went back to my hometown without realizing the size of the mistake I was making.

While pursuing my BCA in Chhatarpur, I realized my mistake. Even though I enjoyed my BCA a lot, during the course I realized that it is not possible to build a convincing career in a small place like Chhatarpur. So, I decided to go back to Indore to pursue my MCA, and there I got my MCA from IPS Academy Indore. Till then, I had realized there was no sense in being in an underdeveloped place like Chhatarpur. I realized I will not be able to earn a career for myself in a small city like Chhatarpur, and if I really need to have a better future for myself, I need to be somewhere outside in some developed city.

As soon as I finished my MCA, my family got me into marriage. Again, my dreams got shattered. I have always been a highly ambitious guy, and I really cried when my family kind of forced me into marriage because, mentally, I was not prepared for it at that time. I was highly aspiring to get a decent enough job for myself. And because of this, even though I got married, I kept on running here and there to find a job for me. But maybe Job was not in my fate. I tried hard. I went to Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, and Bangalore for a job hunt, but all I got were illnesses. In Delhi, I got typhoid. In Bangalore, I caught dengue, and it was a very serious one. One more time, my dreams got shattered, and again, I had to go back to my hometown.

But I still did not stop fighting. With one of my friends in my hometown, I started trying to build a consulting and software firm. However, during that time only, I got a call for an opportunity in Noida to work as a recruitment executive through one of my acquaintances. After working there for a few months, I came back to Indore and started my software company with the name “Votive Technologies.” My friend is still running it very successfully.

But I had constant pressure from my family to go back home. My mom did not want me to go anywhere. She said “I need one son with me”, and she chose me. She used to regularly call me to come back home, and submitting to her pressure, I gave up all my efforts to build my career and went back home.

There, I started supporting my father in running and managing our old cinema hall. Actually, my father used to own a movie theater, which got outdated badly and was not performing at all. When I went back home, I started working on it. I renovated it and fully digitized it. It started performing well. During that time, a new movie used to get released almost every week and perform decently. And all the effort I put into the cinema started working, resulting in bringing the lost crowd back to the cinema. The cinema started performing well, and all family expenses were being managed very easily out of its earnings.

At the cinema, whatever free time I used to get, I started reading books and watching YouTube during that time. Till this time, the Internet had reached its peak, speed- and performance-wise. Before that, because of data and speed limitations, we used to be afraid of running YouTube. But as speed and affordability improved, it proved to be a blessing for people like me. I started watching YouTube and ordering books from Amazon. I think the guilt that was left in me from not settling abroad and not being able to achieve something big in my life turned me towards books and other self-help and motivational stuff on YouTube. Or, in other words, I would prefer to call it self-exploration and self-improvement. After failing in my venture to earn a corporate job and settle abroad, I started thinking there must be something missing and lacking in me that would not let me achieve what I had always wanted to achieve or earn.

And the journey continued, book after book, video after video. I learn a lot about self-help and motivation, then finance, health, fitness, diet, spirituality, religion, human psychology, women, dating, etc. And I also kept sharing my knowledge with others on YouTube. If you go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name Manish Goswami (@manishgoswami), you will find more than 300 videos, and I can say with certain assurance that those videos have the capability of changing anyone’s psyche and mindset. All those videos are kind of the crux of all my knowledge and experiences. Those videos are not based on reading and books alone; they came from my personal experiences and observations as well. Because I am not somebody who has only been into books, I am someone who has had lots of real-life exposure as well.

Besides reading books and following self-help stuff on YouTube, I have been able to work on many different real-world projects. I have been teaching at the very college I graduated from for the last 11 to 12 years. I also got the opportunity to do personality development sessions at one school, one college, and one coaching center. I worked as a recruitment consultant, I started my own software company, I ran a movie hall, and I ran a cafe as well. I totally forgot to tell you about this. While running the cinema, I met a guy who had done his hotel management in Mumbai. After meeting and talking to him, I realized this guy is really talented. Let’s take a chance with him, and then I ventured into a food business with him. I opened a very sophisticated cafe in my hometown, which I would say was my mistake, if I base it on finances, because it brought a heavy financial loss to me. Because of many reasons, I had to close it down. But what that cafe really did was help me gain my lost confidence back.

I always tell my students that everything you do pays you back in some way. Not everything earns you money. Some effort will bring you goodwill. Some will bring you name and fame only; some will bring you confidence; and some will bring you awareness or wisdom in some form. In my case, my effort at the movie hall paid me in the form of money, and my effort in teaching has helped me polish my personality and earn an identity. Most of the people in my hometown call me sir. And the effort I put into my cafe may not have earned me money, but it helped earn recognition and restore my lost confidence. So many people came to know me through my cafe only, which was not otherwise possible because of my introverted nature. It also helped me earn back my lost confidence in myself. which I lost by not being able to go outside and do anything big through my efforts.

While being in a small city and working at my cinema, I started sulking at the mediocrity in a way. I started thinking that nobody would hire me for any job. I will not be able to do anything big for me. Now I will have to run this cinema for my whole life and will have to manage my life anyhow here in this small city only. But that cafe played the role of a game changer for me. It made me believe that anything was possible. If I can open and run such a cafe in such a small place quite successfully for a period of time, then I can take on a bigger challenge as well. Furthermore, that cafe also provided me with a Mumbai-like environment in my home city. My efforts on my health and fitness were already ongoing, thanks to my reading habit. And here comes the TikTok. I literally jumped on it. In fact, I got so elated that I kind of went crazy for it. Many people criticized me and tried to stop me from doing it. They were like, What are you doing? It’s not your age. Why are you doing this?

But I knew exactly what I was doing, why I was doing it, and why I wouldn’t stop doing it because of anyone else. First, after settling abroad, being a movie star was my second dream, and it made me pursue that in a way. You can watch yourself acting, dancing, and lip-syncing. It was helping me enact my favorite songs and watch myself as a hero. Second, it was making me friendly with the camera. It was helping me remove all of my inhibitions and hesitations. And as we know, one thing leads to another; it led me to YouTube. Now, because of my love of TikTok and ambitions to be a known personality, I have been able to post more than 300 videos on my YouTube channel. I learned the basics of facing camera, speaking and acting on camera, Video editing, graphic editing, Digital marketing, SEO, etc. My official website,, is under construction. I have a business project with the name that focuses on helping people elevate their appearance in the pipeline. It will be live very soon.

Through this business project of mine, my aim is to help the people of my country appear their best, and I am going to enable them to elevate their appearance easily and affordably. The name of my business itself comes from a combination of two words: “appear” and “dapper”.” Today, as I have previously told you, I myself have pursued lots of self-help and health and fitness stuff. I know exactly what is required to make one appear to be his best self. I know there are three things that play a vital role in human appearance.

First is our health, which heavily depends on our diet. It matters a lot whether we are providing ourselves with all the necessary nutrients through our diet. But for many reasons, it is not possible for everyone to provide all the necessary nutrients to our bodies through only our regular meals, which leads to the importance and necessity of dietary health supplements. I will bring all the essential health supplements through my brand. Then, obviously, come our outfits, the costumes, and the dresses we put on. So, the next thing that my brand will focus on is quality clothing at an affordable price, and the third and last thing that helps us enhance our appearance is the grooming products we use, and this is what our brand will bring you as well. We will curate a range of skin-friendly and herbal cosmetics for all of our customers. And this way, the brand “Dapear” will help you appear dapper.

Furthermore, education is my second love. I am calling it second love because I was first introduced to the glamour world through TV at home, and all those movies, music, stars, etc. fascinated me a lot. And then afterwards, in the later years of my 20s, I got introduced to books through Amazon, which also fascinated me equally. So, through my official website,, I will try to bring useful e-books and courses for you to get better knowledge-wise.

So that was my story. I hope you find it inspirational, and I seek your blessings as well. I believe you all bestow me with lots of love and support for all my future ventures. Mainly because, from now on, my focus will be on you, my people. I will help you enhance your personality mentally and physically through both of my ventures. will focus on your outer appearance, and will focus on your inner improvement. For now, you all can follow my YouTube channel, where I am trying to keep you updated with all the facts regarding all the top stories. The channel could be your source, not only to keep you informed but also to clarify your doubts. Here is the link to my channel: Thanks everyone.



Jitendra Kumar
Jitendra Kumar

Written by Jitendra Kumar

Jitendra Kumar was born on 10 October 1990 in Hathras, UP. He is an Journalist and Social Activist , known for Founder of Xpert Times Network Private Limited.

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